For those who have had a new member added to your family, you know that there are challenges with the blessings as you adjust to another person in your house. It might be a new spouse, step-children, a new baby, an elderly parent, or even a new puppy, that can bring new challenges. There's always a transition time, where your life it's quite the same as it was prior to that person coming to your home. In our case, it's a foster child and a new puppy. Actually, the puppy doesn't change our schedule and all much, but he is a challenge, that's for sure. :-) Bringing a child that's been in foster care and has trauma issues, is a little added
stress to the mix. Even though you are so excited to have a new child, working with them through fear, anxiety, behavior issues and all is not. So, needless to say, my painting days have been few; my alone time, scarce; my desire to get away hightened. :-) It's a time to walk closely with the Lord to know what to
do when your new child is going through some fear, a time of grief, or just shuts down for no apparent reason. Help Lord!